Shakie's Responce..
Fuck it. Let's Talk About Music.

All HK Bloggers, Please Remove Glutter.

(I took this down. But I am putting it back up. If I don't feel I have done anything wrong, why should I? I believe people have thier own ability to judge and they can see for themselves. Hailey and I talked and she is really smart, and from that conversation I realized I want this to stay .)

I just added a postscript to the thing (still getting emails and lots of hits). My last word on it directly. But I am sure I will write about some of the things I have gathered from it later.

Some thing on why people write, some thing on what it means to encourage other voices, what it means to be respectful even in the moment of anger, about what is living writing, some thing about youth and how some of us are forming ideas and knowledge as we write and by coming down on us too hard, means you are silencing my (and others) development as writers and thinkers. I know it’s not the intention, as HK bloggers like to say they want to find new talent and new voices. But it’s time to walk the talk.

Thanks for the kind words I have received. Many new friends.


Look. I am so bored with all these people coming to read this thing, and I am sure a lot of people are commenting all over the place. Me personally, not smart point made got blown up, out of hand, unnecessarily. The response it’s gotten in the little pond of HK and China blog is over blown to the nth degree.

I don’t really like closed in environments, which is why I don’t even consider myself a HK blog. If you want to categories me, that’s your business. All this talk about sharks and dogs, is silly considering I never once asked a HK blogger to put me anywhere and when I asked to be removed, I was told “no” by various people. Fine. I don’t really care to play in this landscape.

Behavior of everyone involved including my dig at Phil elsewhere is questionable. There are plenty of space on the web for everyone to exist cordially. Don’t like what I say? Don’t come. There isn’t enough time of day to spend with someone you don’t like the sound of her voice. It’s stupid to come, complain, come again. But I can’t stop anyone.

However the back end is mine. Policies on comments will be written and enacted. If I am the first and maybe only HK Blog to stand by certain internet etiquette and expect it to be followed, that’s fine. But for the record, I don’t like how it is, and if that’s what was created before I came on the scene, doesn’t mean I have to accept it.

Now, read away, if you want to comment else where feel free.

But for me, it’s time for the people involved to deal with it (or not) personally.

My two cents.

This is my home page. I am talking about music, albums I love, people who have gone, and if you like industry gossip, there is some of that in there too.


I just want to thank you all for the mob mentality of yesterday's experience. When a person who exchanged emails with you starts to go off like that, something is wrong. Someone who previously was asking me to come along for drinks and thought was cool talks badly about how my parents raised me on someone else’s blog and threatens me with no friends. Then have to hear what I wrote to be insipid from someone who has never even been to my site. Over a POST about something I wrote that was kinda funny to begin with, nothing personal, wasn’t even a bad dig. Maybe a very bad joke.

I see you all for what you are. Bullies.

Big Dog Bullies who have to quash anyone who has a different opinion. Might not be right, but really. I am just a chick at home writing some stuff, that I care about. I suffer from depression. It's not even something that you don't know about. It's like it' right up there on the right side of the blog. You know. Half of you know this, but did you care when your egos got too big? No.

It's not like any of you are my friends, but you know what? Even someone who aren't friends with you, I just want to remind the two people, you were actually asking me to join you for drinks, when I wasn't feel so sure. I would expect you to have think twice about picking on someone who is on and off sick, give her some slack because you knew and wanted to meet her in person. But no. I implied I didn't really like some of your blogs, and that was it. If it wasn't happenning to me I would step in and say something. Nobody did, either they didn't care or they didn't want all the misplaced anger turned on them.

You don’t have to agree and you don’t even have to come. So much else is one click away.

But the fervor it raised, considering I have made about 400 posts in the time Glutter existed shows me it’s easy to forget you used to like what I wrote and were nice to me. Over one thing, a little extreme don’t you think? I think so.

I hope all you guys who are in your mid to late 30s and maybe in your 40s feel better by bullying someone smaller than you, who you don’t perceive to be as smart. I hope it made you feel better, because it made me feel bad. And I am a l am more than a little hurt people who I previously thought were supportive of my ramblings didn’t even bother to take one breath and defend me for a second, just going on and on. It really would be nice, even if I couldn't see it, the way I can see it now, maybe it wasn’t that big a deal.

It’s nine years since I started surfing, and this is absolutely the most nasty environment I have been in. I want to prod, I want to make you mad, but I realized it’s not like anyone stops to even think what I am saying. Except destroy. Well done.

I am glad I can incur your wrath. Maybe it means I am important. I don’t really care.

You can write as many insulting posts you want on the end of the comments. No, I don't even owe you a voice to insult my capacity more on in my space. I don’t want to play. I spent six months never appearing in the HK scene for a reason. I nearly asked Hemlock to remove me when I found out I was included. I have been in it for a month. Trial Period over. I tried to hang as best I could. I found I can’t. As Conrad said, “If you can’t hang with Big Dogs, don’t get on the porch.” (what he said, fits exactly the image I have of him, just a mean old man.) I don’t think you guys got it. I never wanted to hang with the Big Dogs. Just because you all do, doesn’t mean everyone does. I write for myself because I want to find answers to some of my questions.

This was always a personal blog for me. A grown up teen girl blog that talks about stuff I care about, as I have said to some of you. This is my PERSONAL blog, if you ever bothered to read the about me. It’s my diary of things I care about. And you came into it and made me feel bad. In fact I can't sleep. I feel pretty awful because sometimes I can't actually get my head straight into perspective. That’s not okay. But you know how nasty some of you were.

Now please remove Glutter from everyone of your sites. Even if you dislike me (which is all the more reason to take me off) for one stupid bad joke. As Phil says, he has to respect me for my wishes.

I am dissappointed in how you acted, and I never want to see it again here.

Thank You.

Later on in the day:

Okay. With the emails I got this morning, plus the ones which came in on the lunch hour rush.

You don't have to take down the link if you don't want to. Simon was right. He said, if he was in Sydney I wouldn't ask him to remove me (Not that he would anyway :P)

And for those who asked, Glutter will continue. There was never a moment that I wasn't going to.

Although I feel very POUTY at the moment. :(